About Heartsong Health and Healing
Monica Gay
Monica is the founder and CEO of Heartsong Health and Healing. Her passion for wellness and alternative medicine started as a young mother in the early 1990s. After health-related challenges with allergies and ear infections, Monica and her husband changed how they cared for themselves by eliminating dairy, processed foods, sugar, white flour, fluoride, and chlorinated water, replacing these with clean water, whole foods, and whole food supplements. They were never sick again. No more ear infections, allergies, menstrual cramps, or PMS. Very few colds, no major flu bugs. It was incredible. The whole experience catalyzed Monica’s passion for wellness and sharing how to improve quality of life with others.

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Amy's Story
Amy underwent radiation which left very painful scar tissue. She now has relief from that pain.
Matt's Story
Matt suffered a dirt bike accident. After suffering partial paralysis and spending many months in rehab facilities, he receives CellSonic treatments and has noticed positive changes.